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light, bright, airy, warm in winter, cool in summer, our classrooms are designed for learning . . . 

our classrooms

Ruma Rātā and Rimu are currently undergoing some changes. The wall between them is being opened up, and glass doors installed to provide a more flexible space for multi-level learning. In the mean time, we are up in Totara which is usually our arts space. In addition to our three classrooms, we have a wonderful library in the old school building.

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challenge yourself, climb a tree, ride the flying fox, climb the bank, make daisy chains in the sun, play ball . . .

our school grounds

Our school grounds offer many different opportunities and places for children to play (not to mention the awesome harbour views). 

  • a good size field for running and playing games

  • newly resurfaced courts for playing ball games equipped with basketball hoops and tennis nets

  • playground with climbing equipment to challenge strength and balance, including monkey bars and climbing rock

  • our very own flying fox!

  • sandpit and mud kitchen

  • trees for shade and climbing

  • our 'wild' bank

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I love climbing trees and some of the trees here are so big. I feel like there's no limit to climbing.  

Phoenix (11)

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