St Leonards School
Te Kura Tuatahi o Te Umukuratawhiti
education review
Education reviews are reports to boards of trustees and the government on the quality of education provided for students in individual schools. They are undertaken by the Education Review Office (ERO).
You can read our latest review here.
A high proportion [of students] achieve above the national standard in reading.
highlights from the last education review
[The school] has a country-school and family-friendly atmosphere
Students have high levels of engagement in their learning
The school makes very good use of expertise in the community to extend learning for students in areas of interest to them.
Strengths include an active enviroschool programme and a strongly evident focus on positive social interactions and problem solving.
St Leonards School Board
The school Board is responsible for the school's performance and ensuring that all legal requirements are met.
The Board provide strategic leadership and direction to their school.
Board elections are held every three years. Parents, caregivers and people from the wider community can be nominated for election to a school board.
Board Members
Paul Turner (presiding member)
Sarah Thompson (principal)
Lynne Senior (staff representative)
Ali Hill
Natalie Scott
Francene Scott
members of St Leonards School Board of Trustees
strategic plan
To see the areas we are focused on developing as a school, take a look at our current strategic plan, and this years annual implementation plan
annual report
You can read our 2024 Annual Report here
Here is our 2023 Financial Report.
policies & procedures
You can find our policies and procedures documents here.