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St Leonards School
Te Kura Tuatahi o Te Umukuratawhiti
Before School Care

Free supervision before school from 8 am every morning.
Kickstart Breakfast Club availalbe (weetbix and milk)

After School Care
Rides are provided to Harbour Kids is an after school program at Ravensbourne School. Enthusiastic facilitator, Aki, hosts children onsite at Ravensbourne School.
Time: 3pm to 5:30 weekdays. Rides provided from St Leonards to Ravensbourne.
Cost: $10 per hour per child (including part hours)
1. Enrol by downloading and completing this form, then emailing to Alternatively, you may request a hard copy of the form from either school office.
2. Once you have done that, you may book your child into afterschool care. Check out the school newsletter for links to the Google Form.
How to enrol:
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